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Per maggiori informazioni:
Documentazione sull’Aggiunta di nuove pagine (in inglese)
Documentazione sulla Modifica delle pagine (in inglese)
Forum di supporto (inglese) oppure Forum di supporto (italiano)
Le pagine sono simili agli articoli, hanno un titolo, un corpo del testo e dei metadata associati ma, sono differenti in quanto non entrano nella cronologia del blog, sono un tipo di articolo statico. Le pagine non hanno categorie e tag ma, possono avere una gerarchia. È possibile annidare pagine sotto altre pagine rendendone una “genitore” delle altre, creando un gruppo di pagine.
Creare una Pagina è molto simile a creare un Articolo e la schermata può venir personalizzata nello stesso modo tramite il trascina e rilascia, la linguetta Impostazioni schermata ed i riquadri collassabili/espandibili. Questa schermata ha anche una modalità di scrittura senza distrazioni, accessibile tramite il pulsante Pieno schermo, disponibile sia in modalità Visuale che Testo. L’editor di Pagine funziona in maniera pressoché identica all’editor degli Articoli ma vi sono alcune funzionalità specifiche per le Pagine nel riquadro Impostazioni pagina:
Puoi inserire oggetti multimediali (immagini, suoni, documenti…) cliccando il pulsante Aggiungi Media. Puoi scegliere tra le immagini e i file già caricati nella Raccolta Multimediale o caricare un nuovo oggetto multimediale da aggiungere alle pagine o agli articoli. Per creare una galleria di immagini, seleziona le immagini che vuoi aggiungere e clicca il pulsante “Crea una nuova galleria”.
Puoi incorporare gli oggetti multimediali da molti siti famosi come Twitter, YouTube, Flickr e altri incollando semplicemente la URL su una riga all’interno della pagina/articolo. Sul Codex troverai maggiori informazioni sulle incorporazioni (informazioni in inglese).
Genitore – È possibile organizzare le pagine in gerarchie, ad esempio si può avere una pagina “Informazioni” che ha le pagine “Storia della mia vita” e “Il mio cane” sotto di essa. Non vi sono limiti su quanto possono essere annidate profondamente le pagine.
Template – Alcuni temi hanno dei template personalizzati da poter utilizzare per determinate pagine, che possono contenere funzionalità aggiuntive o una grafica personalizzata. Se così fosse queste appariranno qui sopra.
Ordine – Di norma le Pagine sono ordinate alfabeticamente ma è possibile scegliere un ordinamento diverso inserendo un numero (1 per la prima, etc.) in questo campo.
Modifica pagina Aggiungi nuova
C’è un salvataggio automatico di questo articolo che è più recente della versione sottostante. Visualizza il salvataggio automatico
Connessione persa. il salvataggio è stato disabilitato sino q quando ti riconnetterai. Stiamo effettuando un backup di questo articolo sul tuo browser, giusto per sicurezza.
Grazie per aver creato questo sito usando WordPress.
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
<li>Line 1</li>
<li>Line 2</li>
<li>Line 3</li>
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Divider top
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Fluid wrapper
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Tab title
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Tab content
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
*** 2 tabs
*** 3 tabs
*** 4 tabs
Before & After
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
*** [one_fourth] + [three_fourth]
*** 2 equal columns
*** 3 equal columns
*** 4 equal columns
One half
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One half last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One third
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One third last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Two third
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Two third last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One fourth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One fourth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Three fourth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Three fourth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One fifth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One fifth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Two fifth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Two fifth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Three fifth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Three fifth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Four fifth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Four fifth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One sixth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
One sixth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Five sixth
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Five sixth last
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Mailchimp newsletter
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Contact form
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Audio player
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Carousel item
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
Progress circle
It must be unique within the HTML document.
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)
(Mainly for additional styling/scripting purposes)